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Nov 23, 2021

Video content is everywhere, from Netflix, to Disney+, to Prime Video, to TikTok, on Facebook, and in Instagram Reels. But before any of those networks even entertained the idea of video, or even existed, there was YouTube. In this episode of the Podcast you’ll find out what YouTube is doing to help improve the wellbeing of content creators so they don’t give up. Then we’re break down ten different YouTube factors that are important for video SEO and will create customer appeal while avoiding the video tactics that will bring the dislike bomb. Don’t touch that dial! This episode begins in 3, 2, 1… (recorded November 14 2021) Podcast is a production by Jeweler Websites Inc. hosted by Matthew Perosi and George Blair. Visit for show notes, attributions, and footnotes for this and all other episodes. Please rate, review, follow, and subscribe on your platform of choice.