Preview Mode Links will not work in preview mode Podcast by Jeweler Websites, Inc.

Jan 29, 2021

Listener mail: "The roadblock I've talked about with [my employer] about listing inventory to our website, is that our inventory is constantly changing. Are there suggestions or work-arounds with this problem you could shed some light  on? We do so well with our custom orders for clients, that is our most profitable...

Jan 26, 2021


Wondering what is meant by the buzz words traffic and funnels? In this episode of the podcast we’ll break down the basic descriptions of what these are and why they are an important part of your online efforts.

It’s time for the retail jeweler to embrace online sales to match customer...

Jan 22, 2021

In this episode of the podcast, we bring you a story of SEO hardship and the lessons learned followed by a discussion of the recent Jewelers of America study on Diversity and how it relates to your marketing.

(recorded January 20, 2020)

Please visit to ask questions, suggest topics, and...

Jan 19, 2021

Some SEO strategies: Product Category landing pages / Images / City specific landing pages / Mobility / Usability / SSL -- actionable steps spelled out for you to improve your Google ranking!

It’s time for the retail jeweler to embrace online sales to match customer expectations.  There’s more to it than...

Jan 15, 2021

Start with basic setup to monitor your SEO -- how to create a Google Analytics account, Google Search Console account, claim ownership of your Google My Business account, and test with Google Trends.

It’s time for the retail jeweler to embrace online sales to match customer expectations.  There’s more to it than...